Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

The Rationale in Love

Nothing left, rationale has gone

From you, always like that

Before questions are to be words

The answer is yours, through those eyes

Really a quiet, but a life there

A Loneliness,  but a movement of life

Out of you, I see an indefinable something

Out of you, I go to the sun ways

Out of you, I find essential of life

Throughout those eyes, is about what I need

We are different, but more than just a similarity

You came over unannounced

As warm as the sun, brings me into a reality

That a brain euphoria is very interesting

Still said ‘yeah’, a meeting for feeling

About materials of hope

You taught me a  meaningfull of emotional and

A meaningfull of right and

A meaningfull of wisdom and

A meaningfull of mind

Don’t you know ? that’s all in our love

A rationale in love

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Can 2013 curriculum decrease the corruptor generations ?

The government recently are busy with their introduction about 2013 curriculum. As an improvement, materials of 2013 curriculum can be described theoritically complete for all needed aspect. Application model stresses in character education. It is hoped to be solution for many problem of moral as effects previous curriculum on failed. The moral and religion values are melted to every lesson. Indicators of student achievment are made by standart “how students are able to apply balance in three of domain such as cogntive, affective, psikomotor. Teachers as center in the class actually don’t also become a good way to student in succesful of study. They have tendencies to be passive just receive finished material without effort for finding, discussing, understanding by their own way. Concept from “how to be clever person” going over to “how to be useful human”. As they are study to process for better long life that must be usefull to individual, social and natural. Therefore, in sisdiknas’s law is also explained that indicators of useful human are keeping the faith, healthy, brainful, skillful, creative, able to independent and role as democratic and responsible citizens. According to Muh Nuh, at an article in Kompas, nothing problem with that new curriculum. Many problem previously are just inexpediency with lesson material, quite a lot of useles lesson, periods of time aren’t balance, lack of meaningfull lesson, process, assesement, in  such a way that students are not able to think out of the box.
Education character in learning model remember me at Seikatsuka. Japanese learning model  where the moral values are not only be theory on note, but application by guide of specialist teachers. The teachers directly ask their students are on the spot in social learning e.g. ways to serve their friends in lunch time or care with poor people. Many school have the rules that are tightly applicated. Students have highly conscious thought to studying in essence. The specialist teacher by perfect selection actually are able to put mind set “how the important education in nowdays for better long life”. The shame cultural being done bad attitude, can also be seen from the Japanese leaders are ready to go back in corruptor case.
And then, can new curriculum prevent the corruptor generations ? it is relative.  How good that theory to be application. Many failed programs essentially aren’t mistakes from conceptual of leaning but refer more on practice. As we can observe, the government are only take care for their program in perfect theory. Beside that, their progam control pratices in field are still low. The teacher should be selected through process tightly. The corruption in education depatment must be foccusing as standart of succesful. The important things are many level categories with the strong rules in teacher selections. The government must produce high-standart to be teacher. Because of what, beside the parents just teachers that are able to understand conditions. The selected teachers still must delete aphatetic. How little student problems must be prevented. It only can be done by professional teachers. It still begins from their teachers, although students are center of the class. Are you teacher too? What have you done for your students? ^_^

Butuh koreksi sebanyak-banyak mungkin, kawan-kawan...okeyy :)
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Rabu, 12 Maret 2014


we always look something from the different prespective,
so, enjoy living by respectation to other :-D